Muhammad:The Prophet of Allah (pbuh) A brief biography
Language: Italian, English
Translated from English
Authors: Dr. M. Hamidullah, M. Wahiduddin Khan, J. Badawi, A. L. Chalikandi
Number of editions: I, II, III
Translator: Dr. Sabrina Lei
book is a collection of a few wonderful musings on the life of
the Prophet ( peace be upon him) by some of the great Muslim scholars
like Prof. Hamidullah, Muhammad Asad, etc.
an informative article, Dr Jamal Badawi, the famous Canadian Muslim
thinker, looks at the Biblical references and descriptions of the
Prophet Muhammad.
also contains a good reflection by Abdel Latif Chalikandi on the
Prophet's Isra and Mirja, based on classical Arabic sources. As the
Prophet Muhammad’s life and message are a matter of both interest
and controversy in the modern world, the book serves as a good
introduction to the Prophet’s life.
The Muslim Character
Original Language: Arabic
Author: Sheikh Muhammad Al-Ghazali
Translator: Dr. Sabrina Lei
the media portrays a very negative image of Islam and Muslims,
there is nothing more useful than projecting the beautiful and human
character of the Prophet Muhammad (peace upon him) as a model for
entire humanity.
is precisely what the late Sheikh Muhammad Al-Ghazali does in his
famous book The
Muslim Character.
Sheikh Muhammad Al-Ghazali, with a thorough grounding in the Quran
and the Sunna of Prophet (peace be upon him), was one of the most
balanced and erudite scholars of Islam in the last century.
was immensely spiritual and in the book, he gives the reader a
beautiful picture of the Muslim Character, forthcoming from the life
examples of the Prophet (peace upon him).
Prophet Prayer Described
Original Language: Arabic
Author: Sheikh Muhammad Nasiruddin Al-Albani
Translator: Dr. Sabrina Lei
Five-Time Prayer is one of the pillars of Islam. However, though
Muslims are taught the prayer since they are very young, confusion
still prevails among many, especially non-Muslims and new-Muslim who
are interested in Islam about the nature of the prayer.
many books devoted to teaching the prayer, unfortunately, don’t
give an easy description of how to pray. Sheikh Albani’s book fills
this gap by clearly describing the prayers of the Prophet from
beginning to the end, based on the authentic Sunna.
the book, the reader is given a clear picture of the way in which the
Prophet (peace upon him) offered his prayers by both describing the
nature of his bodily movements and his recitations, etc. Many Muslims
and new-Muslims have found the book extremely useful in recapturing
the nature of the Prophet’s prayer.
The Inner Dimension of Islamic Worship
Language: Italian
Original Language: Arabic
Author: Muhammad Abu Hamid al-Ghazali
Translator: Dr. Sabrina Lei
real meaning of worship in Islam, why the worships are instituted
in a special way, etc. are questions that interest both Muslims and
non-Muslims who are interested in Islam. As far as the new Muslims
are concerned, these questions become important, when they struggle
to understand the meaning of Islam and its rituals in their early
days in Islam.
Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali’s reflections, in his Ihya Ulumuddin,
beautifully explain these questions in the sections dealing with the
inner secrets of the Five Pillars of Islam. Al-Ghazali, starting from
the two Shahada
declaration of the faith in Islam), explores the meaning of the
Prayer, Fasting, Zakah,
and Hajj
based on
his insights into the Quran and the Sunna.
mediations on the questions are also intensely personal and
philosophical. It is a very useful book for those of us who live in
the globalised world of today and missing the real meaning of worship
due to the pressure of life and its complexities.
Language: Italian
Author: Muhammad Asad
Original Language: English
Translator: Dr. Sabrina Lei
Road to
Mecca tells
the classic of story of a Western thinker’s journey to Islam. First
published in New York in 1954, and later in London, the book has been
re-published countless number of times all over the world in its
English version, often countless number of publishers in a single
in flawless (and unique) English , The
Road to Mecca is
beautiful, with layers of reflections on the saga of human life,
unfolding on its pages.
narration starts in the present tense and continues to the end in the
same structure (often interrupted by reminiscences of the past),
within the background of the last journey that Asad and his companion
Zaid made together, in the early 1932, towards Mecca, with the
intention of performing the Hajj.
offers intensely philosophical and yet personal meditations on
religion, culture, the freedom of man and women, the human destiny,
the future of Arab-Islam and West relationships, etc. The book is a
poetical odyssey of a Western man who crossed the barriers of
cultures, religions, etc. to find the beauty of Other, through living
cultural and religious dialogues, several decades before the catch
phrase of the dialogue of civilizations even appeared in our public
the book has become a heritage of Muslim culture or a good example
for a European-Muslim mixed culture. The famous German Muslim
diplomat and writer Murad Hoffman has described Asad as Europe’s
gift to Islam. Asad’s life and works are a beautiful synthesis of
Islam and the West. It is perhaps, this beautiful synthesis and
peaceful co-existence of all cultures that we urgently need today.
The book has been translated into Arabic, French, German, Danish,
Swedish, Dutch, Malay, Urdu, Turkish and in many other
languages,completely or partially. Indeed, through all these
translations and the debate that they generated The
Road to Mecca has
become many books, it even surpassed the name of the author himself,
many hearing about the book first, and then Asad as its author. Now
translated beautifully into Italian, the benefit of the book will be
available to the Italian readers too.
This is our Quran
Author: Sheikh Abdul Muezz Abdul Sattar
Original language: Arabic, English
Translator: Dr. Sabrina Lei
Abdul Muezz Abdul Sattar of Qatar, in his in-depth study on
the Quran and the Old Testament, compares the concept of human
freedom, its range and depth in both religious books. Various shades
of human freedom like religious pluralism, women’s rights, civil
and political rights conceptualised by the Quran and the Bible are
studied within an objective perspective in the interest of religious
dialogue and harmony. Backed up by the techniques of comparative
religious studies and superb reasoning, Sheikh Abdul Muezz
deconstructs many of Orientalist and right-wing charges against the
Quran. The book is an asset for anyone interested in challenging the
Islamophobic discourse that is so prevalent in today’s public
space; and for those interested in Islam, the book offers an
illuminating worldview of the Quran, rooted in the oneness of God and
universal brotherhood.
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