- La dimensione umana e trascendente della preghiera islamica
Attraverso una meditazione sulla natura della preghiera islamica, ossia analizzandone in...
- Spiritual and Medical Benefits of Islamic Prayer by Dr. Sabrina Lei
For the believer, who submits voluntary to the divine will and accepts Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as...
- A Very Interesting Book about Muslim Spain
Cordova, City of Moors, A. F. Calvert and W. M. Gallichan It would be unnecessary to enlarge upon the reasons for including a study of...
- The Preaching of Islam: A History of the Propagation of Muslim Faith- Thomas Arnold
Professor Thomas Arnold, a Cambridge scholar of Islam of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, authentically describes the peaceful...
- Javid Iqbal ricorda suo padre Muhammad
Tratto da Iqbal: Poet-Philosopher of Pakistan, Hafeez Malik (ed.), Iqbal Academy of Pakistan, Lahore 2005, 56-65....
- The Distortions of the History of Islam and the Orientalist Discourse
One of the significant events in the history of the world, which still baffles historians and the other students of the growth of human...
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Mazhar ul Islam was born the 4th of August 1949 in Punjab, two years after the foundation of Pakistan. After the retirement of his father, he...
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After the recitation of two of the most significative short stories of Manto, it is now the time to introduce two other important...
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After the recitation of two of the most significative short stories of Manto, it is now the time to introduce two other important Pakistani...
Mazhar ul Islam was born the 4th of August 1949 in Punjab, two years after the foundation of Pakistan. After the retirement of his father...
Attraverso una meditazione sulla natura della preghiera islamica, ossia analizzandone in profondità il significato è possibile anche rif...
Il Medio Oriente musulmano, fin dall’epoca medievale caratterizzato come la “minaccia”, il “nemico” dell’Occidente, nella nostra epo...